
Bringing clean, safe water to the rural communities of Africa

The Challenge

Almost half of the households in Tanzania don’t have access to safe water. Four out of ten households must travel an hour or more just to collect water. Thousands of open shallow wells in rural Africa often feature contaminated water and danger in access. In other areas, underground water is available close to the surface but people do not know how to drill manually.

We are a team developing innovative techniques, partnering with our rural communities to provide safe water from shallow wells, and teaching others to do the same.

Who we are

What it takes

2 days

2 plumbers


Make a donation.

You can make a permanent difference by partnering with rural Africans to retrofit their wells and install simple hand pumps.  Some wells are used by over 50 families every day.

Quotes from Our Well Recipients

  • “It was difficult to use a rope. Now a child can fetch water safely."

  • "Despite my age, I can fetch water more easily.”

  • “Collecting water now takes less time than with a rope.”

  • “Thank you! I never thought to have such a golden opportunity.”